Index to the proceedings of the Precise Time And Time Interval (PTTI) systems and applications (formerly applications and planning) meeting


The entry for each paper is preceded by a hyphenated numerical code indicating its subject, Proceedings volume number, and page number therein, i.e, 06-02-129 represents subject category "6", Proceedings volume number "2" and page number "129". The following index covers the PTTI Proceedings from the 2nd (1970) through the 41st (2009).

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06-02-129Requirements and Performance for Today's Atomic Standards; G. M. R. Winkler
06-03-225Atomic Standards Test and Evaluation; E. Hafner
06-03-367Hydrogen Masers and Other Standards; H. E. Peters
06-04-029Performance of the New Efratom Optically Pumped Rubidium Frequency Standards and Their Possible Application in Space Relativity Experiments; C. 0. Alley, R. Williams, S. Gurbax, and J. Mullendore
06-04-046Precision Frequency Sources; A. 0. McCoubrey and R. H. Kern
06-04-055NASA Hydrogen Maser Accuracy and Stability in Relation to World Standards; H. E. Peters and D. B. Percival (corrected for errata)
06-04-168Operational Stability of Rubidium and Cesium Frequency Standards; J. E. Lavery
06-05-239Statistical Properties of High Performance Cesium Standards; D. B. Percival
06-05-265Flexible Bulb - Large Storage Box Hydrogen Maser; V. Reinhardt
06-05-283Characteristics of Advanced Hydrogen Maser Frequency Standards; H. E. Peters
06-06-059A Review of Precision Oscillators; H. Hellwig
06-07-125Radiation Effects in Crystal and Atomic Frequency Standards; T. M. Flanagan and R. E. Leadon
06-07-143A Portable Rubidium Clock for Precision Time Transport; H. Hellwig and A. E. Wainwright
06-07-165Performance and Operation of the NRC Primary Cesium Clock, CsV; A. G. Mungall, H. Daams, D. Morris, and C. C. Costain
06-07-195The Millman Effect in Cesium Beam Atomic Frequency Standards; A. G. Mungall
06-07-215A New Method for Generating Overtone Frequencies in a Quartz Oscillating Circuit; H. Bahadur and R. Parshad
06-07-231Demonstration of the Frequency Offset Errors Introduced by an Incorrect Setting of the Zeeman/Magnetic Field Adjustment on the Cesium Beam Frequency Standard; D. C. Kaufmann
06-07-243A Study of Hydrogen Maser Resonators and Storage Bulbs for Use in Ground and Satellite Masers; E. M. Mattison, R. F. C. Vessot, and M. W. Levine
06-07-265Frequency Stability Requirements for Two-Way Range Rate Tracking; V. Reinhardt
06-07-671Spaceborne Rubidium Frequency Standard for Navstar GPS; D. E. Ringer, J. Gandy, and E. Jechart
06-08-003The Hydrogen Maser Program for Navstar Gps; R. L. Easton
06-08-183The Atomic Hydrogen Maser; N. F. Ramsey
06-08-197Field Operable Hydrogen Maser Design; V. S. Reinhardt, H. E. Peters, and L. A. Birnbaum
06-08-213Hydrogen Maser Frequency Standards for the Deep Space Network; P. R. Dachel, R. F. Meyer, S. M. Petty, and R. L. Sydnor
06-08-229Hydrogen Maser Design at the Laboratoire de l'Horloge Atomique; P. Petit, J. Viennet, R. Barillet, M. Desaintfuscien, and C. Audoin
06-08-249A Hydrogen Maser Design for Ground Applications; M. W. Levine, R. F. C. Vessot, E. M. Mattison, E. Blomberg, T. E. Hoffman, G. Nystrom, D. F. Graveline, R. L. Nicoll, C. Dovidio, and W. Brymer
06-08-277Space-borne Hydrogen Maser Design; R. F. C. Vessot, M. W. Levine, E. M. Mattison, T. E. Hoffman, E. A. Imbier, M. Tetu, and G. Nystrom
06-08-335Variable Volume Maser Techniques; V. S. Reinhardt
06-08-351Problems in Hydrogen Maser Design and Suggested Improvements; S. B. Crampton, H. T. M. Wang, and J. L. Barrett
06-08-355New Te111-mode Hydrogen Maser; E. M. Mattison, M. W. Levine, and R. F. C. Vessot
06-08-369Design and Results From a Prototype Passive Hydrogen Maser Frequency Standard; F. L. Walls
06-08-399A Comparison of Various Hydrogen-Maser Frequency Standards; A. E. E. Rogers, A. R. Whitney, and L. B. Hanson
06-08-429Special Purpose Atomic (Molecular) Standard; D. J. Wineland, D. A. Howe, and H. Hellwig
06-08-637NTS-2 Cesium Beam Frequency Standard for GPS; J. White, F. Danzy, S. Falvey, A. Frank, and J. Marshall
06-08-681Performance of a Dual Beam High Performance Cesium Beam Tube; G. A. Seavey
06-08-695Application of High Performance Cesium Beam Frequency Standards to VLBI; W. J. Klepczynski
06-09-009Atomic Frequency Standards: Survey and Forecast; J. Vanier
06-09-059Criteria for the Selection of Atomic Clocks in Systems Application (abstract); G. M. R. Winkler
06-09-343Some Recent Progress in Frequency Standards and Techniques; D. W. Allan, R. M. Garvey, H. Hellwig, D. A. Howe, S. Jarvis, A. Risley, S. R. Stein, H. Van de Stadt, F. L. Walls, and D. J. Wineland
06-09-353Analysis of Degraded Hydrogen Dissociator Envelopes by AES+; V. H. Ritz, V. M. Bermudeg, and V. J. Folen
06-09-371An Investigation of Polymer Coatings Used in Hydrogen Maser Storage Bulbs; N. H. Turner
06-09-381An Investigation of the Shielding Properties of Molypermalloy Shields Designed for Use with a Hydrogen Maser; S. Wolf and J. Cox
06-09-403A Spaceborne Hydrogen Maser Design; A. E. Popa, H. T. M. Wang, W. B. Bridges, J. E. Etter, D. Schnelker, F. E. Goodwin, C. Lew, and M. Dials
06-09-415Operational Characteristics of a Prototype Spaceborne Hydrogen Maser; H. T. M. Wang, A. E. Popa, W. B. Bridges, and D. Schnelker
06-09-437Development of an Atomic Rubidium Vapor Frequency Standard At NPL of India Using Indigenous Sources; V. R. Singh, G. M. Saxena, and B. S. Mathur
06-09-549Comparison of Theoretical and Observed Maser Stability Limitation Due to Thermal Noise and the Prospect of Improvement by Low Temperature Operation; R. F. C. Vessot, M. W. Levine, and E. M. Mattison
06-09-571A New Method to Eliminate Cavity Phase in Cesium Beam Standards; D. J. Wineland, S. Jarvis, Jr., H. Hellwig, and R. M. Garvey
06-10-131Shielding of Longitudinal Magnetic Fields with Thin, Closely, Spaced, Concentric Cylindrical Shells with Applications to Atomic Clocks; S. A. Wolf, D. U. Gubser, and J. E. Cox
06-10-147Elimination of the Light Shift in Rubidium Gas Cell Frequency Standards Using Pulsed Optical Pumping; T. C. English, E. Jechart, and T. M. Kwon
06-10-169Performance of Preproduction Model Cesium Beam Frequency Standards for Spacecraft Applications; M. W. Levine
06-10-195Discussion Forum: Atomic Frequency Standards--Cesium, Rubidium, and Hydrogen; C. C. Costain, T. C. English, and H. Peters
06-11-081Limitations on Long-Term Stability and Accuracy in Atomic Clocks; D. J. Wineland
06-11-113The Performance of Primary Cs Beam Clocks Using Quadrupole and Hexapole Deflection Systems Consequences for Time Keeping; G. Becker
06-11-197Hydrogen Maser Implementation in the Deep Space Network at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; P. F. Kuhnle
06-11-619Prospects for Advances in Microwave Atomic Frequency Standards; F. L. Walls
06-12-211Frequency and Time Generation and Control; M. B. Bloch
06-12-275Innovation and Reliability of Atomic Standards for PTTI Applications; R. Kern
06-12-291Contractor Point of View for System Development and Test Program; F. K. Koide, D. E. Ringer, and C. E. Earl
06-12-463Recent Progress in the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center Atomic Hydrogen Standards Program; V. S. Reinhardt
06-12-495Passive Maser Development At NRL; J. White, A. Frank, and V. Folen
06-12-581Vacuum Pumping System for Spaceborn Passive Hydrogen Masers; S. A. Wolf, D. U. Gubser and L. D. Jones
06-12-615The Operational Performance of Hydrogen Masers in the Deep Space Network; S. C. Ward
06-12-719Development of a Sub-miniature Rubidium Oscillator for Seektalk Application; H. Fruehauf, W. Weidemann, and E. Jechart
06-12-785Precision Timekeeping Using a Small Passive Hydrogen Maser; F. L. Walls and D. A. Howe
06-12-807Progress Report on Hydrogen Maser Development At Laval University; J. Vanier, G. Racine, R. Kunski, and M. Picard
06-13-167A History and Analysis of Hydrogen Maser Reliability; J. B. Curtright
06-13-451Long Term Frequency Stability Analysis of the GPS Navstar 6 Cesium Clock; T. B. McCaskill, S. Stebbins, C. Carson, and J. Buisson
06-13-547Cryogenic Masers; A. J. Berlinsky and W. N. Hardy
06-13-563A Trapped Mercury 199 Ion Frequency Standard; L. S. Cutler, R. P. Giffard, and M. D. McGuire
06-13-579Prospects for Stored Ion Frequency Standards; D. J. Wineland
06-13-593Recent Developments and Proposed Schemes for Trapped Ion Frequency Standards; L. Maleki
06-13-609A Rubidium Clock for GPS; W. J. Riley
06-13-631Investigations of Laser Pumped Gas Cell Atomic Frequency Standard; C. H. Volk, J. C. Comparo, and R. P. Frueholz
06-13-645Magnetic State Selection in Atomic Frequency and Time Standards; H. E. Peters
06-13-667Frequency Stability of Maser Oscillators Operated with Enhanced Cavity Q; M. Tetu, P. Tremblay, P. Lesage, P. Petit, and C. Audoin
06-13-729The Role of the Deep Space Network's Frequency and Timing System in the Detection of Gravitational Waves; J. C. Mankins
06-13-767Lamp Reliability Studies for Improved Satellite Rubidium Frequency Standard; R. P. Frueholz, M. Wun-fogle, H. U. Eckert, C. H. Volk and P. F. Jones
06-13-791Magnetic Shielding and Vacuum Test for Passive Hydrogen Masers; D. U. Gubser, S. A. Wolf, A. B. Jacoby, and L. D. Jones
06-13-803Composite-Type Rb-87 Optical-Pumping Light Source for the Rubidium Frequency Standard; N. Oura, N. Kuramochi, S. Naritsuka, and T. Hayashi
06-14-087Influence of Modulation Frequency in Rubidium Cell Frequency Standards; C. Audoin, J. Viennet, N. Cyr, and J. Vanier
06-14-113Laser Induced Asymmetry and Inhomogeneous Broadening of the Microwave Lineshape of a Gas Cell Atomic Frequency Standard; J. C. Camparo, R. P. Frueholz, and C. H. Volk
06-14-133Study of Multiple Optical Transitions in Rb-87 Using Laser Diodes; C. L. J. Newton and H. G. Robinson
06-14-141A Rubidium Clock for Seek-Talk; W. J. Riley
06-14-205High-Accuracy Global Time and Frequency Transfer with a Space-borne Hydrogen Maser Clock; R. Decher, D. W. Allan, C. O. Alley, C. Baugher, B. J. Duncan, R. F. C. Vessot, and G. M. R. Winkler
06-14-307Narrow Rb-87 and Cs-133 Hyperfine Transitions in Evacuated Wall-Coated Cells; H. G. Robinson and C. E. Johnson
06-14-315Cesium Standard for Satellite Application; M. Bloch, M. Meirs, I. Pascaru, and B. Weinstein
06-14-359Evaluation of Modern Hydrogen Masers; A. Kirk, P. Kuhnle, and R. Sydnor
06-14-393First Experiences with the H-Maser EFOS 1; W. Schluter, K. Nottarp, D. Feil, and G. Busca
06-14-409A Commercial Hydrogen Maser, Progress Report; M. Dials and L. Wert
06-14-421The NASA/GSFC Hydrogen Maser Program: A Review of Recent Data; M. Chiu, A. G. Bates, L. J. Rueger, V. S. Reinhardt, P. Dachel, R. Kunski, R. Kruger, and S. C. Wardrip
06-14-547Radiation Hardness of Efratom M-100 Rubidium Frequency Standard; T. C. English, H. Vorwerk, and N. J. Rudie
06-14-621New Auto-Tuning Technique for the Hydrogen Maser; R. L. Sydnor and L. Maleki
06-15-171On-Orbit Frequency Stability Analysis of the GPS Navstar's 3 and 4 Rubidium Clocks and Navstar's 5 and 6 Cesium Clocks; T. B. McCaskill, J. A. Buisson, and S. B. Stebbins
06-15-269Test Results for Prototype GPS Rubidium Clocks; T. J. Lynch and W. J. Riley
06-15-283International Time Transfer and Portable Clock Evaluation Using GPS Timing Receivers: Preliminary Results; S. C. Wardrip, J. Buisson, O. J. Oaks, M. Lister, E. Detoma, P. Dachel, T. Stalder, H. Warren, G. Winkler, G. Luther, S. Leschiutta, P. G. Galliano, F. Cordara, V. Pettiti, R. Azzarone, and F. Fedele
06-15-653Recent Results on the Performance of EFOS, NP, and NX Hydrogen Masers; V. Reinhardt, J. Ingold, T. Stalder, M. Saifi, P. Dachel, and S. C. Wardrip
06-15-677Physics Element Design Aspects for a Tactical Rubidium Frequency Standard; B. Grover and T. M. Kwon
06-15-723The Superconducting Cavity Stabilized Ruby Maser Oscillator; G. J. Dick and D. M. Strayer
06-16-001Prospects for Atomic Frequency Standards; C. Audoin
06-16-049Frequency and Time Standards Based on Stored Ions; J. J. Bollinger, D. J. Wineland, W. M. Itano, J. C. Bergquist, and J. D. Prestage
06-16-059On the Accuracy of Cs Beam Primary Frequency Standards; J. S. Boulanger, R. J. Douglas, J. Vanier, A. G. Mungall, Y. S. Li, and C. Jacques
06-16-081Methods to Recover the Narrow Dicke Sub-Doppler Feature in Evacuated Wall-Coated Cells without Restrictions on Cell Size; H. G. Robinson
06-16-091Diode Laser 87Rb Optical Pumping in an Evacuated Wall-Coated Cell; W. K. Lee, H. G. Robinson, and C. E. Johnson
06-16-103On-Orbit Frequency Stability Analysis of the GPS Navstar-1 Quartz Clock and the Navstars-6 and -8 Rubidium Clocks; T. B. McCaskill, J. A. Buisson, M. M. Largay, and W. G. Reid
06-16-127Rubidium and Cesium Frequency Standards - Status and Performance on the GPS Program; H. Bethke, D. Ringer, and M. Van Melle
06-16-143A Miniature Tactical Rb Frequency Standard; T. M. Kwon, R. Dagle, W. Debley, H. Dellamano, T. Hahn, J. Horste, L. K. Lam, R. Magnuson, and T. McClelland
06-16-157The Rubidium-Crystal Oscillator Hybrid Development Program; J. Vig and V. Rosati
06-16-191The System Design of a Rubidium Maser Frequency Standard; X. Cheng-Xi
06-16-295Development of Hydrogen Masers for K-3 VLBI System; T. Morikawa, Y. Ohta, and H. Kiuchi
06-16-313Atomic Hydrogen Maser Active Oscillator Cavity and Bulb Design Optimization; H. E. Peters and P. J. Washburn
06-16-339Hydrogen Maser Oscillation at 10 K; S. B. Crampton, K. M. Jones, G. Nunes, and S. P. Souza
06-16-351A Low Noise Synthesizer for Autotuning and Performance Testing of Hydrogen Masers; J. M. Cloeren and J. S. Ingold
06-16-357Atomic Hydrogen Maser Measurements with Wall Surfaces of Carbon Tetrafluoride; R. F. C. Vessot, E. M. Mattison, E. A. Imbier, and Z. C. Zhai
06-16-375Performance Data of U.S. Naval Observatory VLG-11 Hydrogen Masers Since September 1983; R. F. C. Vessot, E. M. Mattison, E. A. Imbier, Z. C. Zhai, W. J. Klepczynski, P. J. Wheeler, A. J. Kubik, and G. M. R. Winkler
06-17-001The First Atomic Clock Program: NBS, 1947-1954; P. Foreman
06-17-073A Review of Atomic Frequency Standards; S. R. Stein and L. L. Lewis
06-17-105Hydrogen Maser Research and Development at Sigma Tau Standards and Tests of Sigma Tau Masers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory; G. A. Gifford, J. D. White, and H. E. Peters
06-17-129Fast Autotuning of a Hydrogen Maser by Cavity Q Modulation; G. J. Dick and T. K. Tucker
06-17-145Further Test Results for Prototype GPS Rubidium Clocks; S. Goldberg, T. J. Lynch, and W. J. Riley
06-17-157Exploration of the Potential Performance of Diode Laser Pumped Gas Cell Atomic Frequency Standards; J. C. Camparo and R. P. Frueholz
06-17-173Characterization of an All-Cryogenic Oscillator as a Stable Frequency Source; D. M. Strayer, G. J. Dick, and J. E. Mercereau
06-17-189Cesium Beam Primary Frequency Standards at NRC; R. J. Douglas and J. S. Boulanger
06-17-375Test Results of a Portable Battery Pack's Effect on the Output of a Cesium Beam Frequency Standard; B. Elson
06-17-413Results of Two Years of Hydrogen Maser Clock Operation at the U.S. Naval Observatory and Ongoing Research at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; R. F. C. Vessot, E. M. Mattison, W. J. Klepczynski, I. F. Silvera, H. P. Godfried, and R. L. Walsworth, Jr.
06-18-037GPS Clock Technology and Navy PTTI Programs at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory; R. L. Beard, J. Murray, and J. D. White
06-18-055Precision Time and Frequency Sources and Systems Research and Development at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory; A. G. Bates, M. T. Boies, M. C. Chiu, R. Kunski, and J. J. Suter
06-18-071Frequency Standards Work and Timekeeping at the National Research Council of Canada; J. S. Boulanger, C. C. Costain, R. J. Douglas, C. Jacques, D. Morris, P. Tremblay, and J. Vanier
06-18-089A Review of the Frequency and Timing Activities at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; L. Maleki and P. F. Kuhnle
06-18-113National Physics Laboratory, U.K. Time and Frequency Report, 1986; P. B. Coates, J. E. Gibbs, D. J. E. Knight, D. S. Sutcliffe, and B. R. Swabey
06-18-155Activities on Time and Frequency at Shanghai Observatory; Z. Zaocheng, Z. Qixiang, H. Jinlin, and K. Wunwei
06-18-165Research Activities on Time and Frequency at the Radio Research Laboratory; N. Imai, S. Kobayashi, K. Yoshimura, and K. Nakagiri
06-18-227Rubidium and Cesium Frequency Standards Status and Performance on the GPS Program; M. Van Melle
06-18-321A New Technique for the On-Orbit Characterization of Cesium Beam Tube Performance; S. K. Karuza, J. P. Hurrell, and W. A. Johnson
06-18-503Beam Optics of the RRL Cesium Beam Primary Frequency Standard; K. Nakagiri, H. Okazawa, and S. Urabe
06-18-559Frequency Stability in a Wall-Coated Evacuated Cell: Preliminary Results; C. Rahman and H. G. Robinson
06-18-565A Partial Analysis of Drift in the Rubidium Gas Cell Atomic Frequency Standard; J. C. Camparo
06-18-601The Superconducting Cavity Maser Oscillator--toward Higher Stability; D. M. Strayer and G. J. Dick
06-18-611A Subcompact Q-Enhanced Active Hydrogen Maser; R. R. Hayes and H. T. M. Wang
06-18-621A Signal Processing Scheme for Reducing the Cavity Pulling Factor in Passive Hydrogen Masers; K. M. Uglow
06-18-631Integral Cavity Hydrogen Maser; R. Kunski
06-19-107Single State Selection System for Hydrogen Masers; E. M. Mattison and R. F. C. Vessot
06-19-113Triply-Redundant Precision Time and Frequency Standard; D. Silvermetz, M. Bloch, and M. Meirs
06-19-133Local Oscillator Induced Instabilities in Trapped Ion Frequency Standards; G. J. Dick
06-19-175The Effects of Ambient Conditions on Cesium Clock Rates; L. A. Breakiron
06-19-195Analysis of the Seasonal Effects on a Cesium Clock to Improve the Long-Term Stability of a Time Scale; E. Bava, F. Cordara, V. Pettiti, and P. Tavella
06-19-235Atomic Transit Time and Delayed Ionization Effects on Cesium Beam Frequency Standards; B. Jaduszliwer
06-19-245The Optically Pumped Cs Frequency Standard at the NRLM; S. Ohshima, Y. Nakadan, and Y. Koga
06-19-255Alkali Reactions with Wall Coating Materials Used in Atomic Resonance Cells; J. C. Camparo, R. Frueholz, and B. Jaduszliwer
06-19-267Stability Test Results for GPS Rubidium Clocks; F. Danzy and W. J. Riley (see Errata Volume)
06-19-275Design and Performance of a Compact Passive Hydrogen Maser; L. L. Lewis, T. E. Smith, and S. R. Stein
06-19-285The JPL Trapped Ion Frequency Standard Development; J. D. Prestage, G. L. Dick, and L. Maleki
06-19-345Portable Hydrogen Maser Clock Time Transfer at the Subnanosecond Level; L. J. Rueger, M. C. Chiu, S. D. Deines, R. A. Nelson, J. T. Broomfield, and C. O. Alley (see Errata Volume)
06-19-375A Study in Long-Term Stability of Atomic Clocks; D. W. Allan (see Errata Volume)
06-20-041A First Account of Long-Term Stability Results Obtained on Various Cesium Standards by the Power Sensitivity Minimization Technique; A. De Marchi
06-20-087Orbit Period Frequency Variations in the GPS Satellite Clocks; E. R. Swift and B. R. Hermann
06-20-111Design Considerations and Performance of a GPS Spaceborne Hydrogen Maser Frequency Standard; E. S. Richter, B. A. Bettencourt, H. T. Wang, and R. R. Hayes
06-20-123Reduction of Cavity Pulling in a Passive Hydrogen Maser; V. M. Golding, V. J. Folen, A. F. Frank, J. D. White, and R. L. Beard
06-20-287Velocity Distribution Measurement of an Optically Pumped Cesium Frequency Standard at the NRLM; Y. Nakadan, S. Ohshima, T. Ikegami, and Y. Koga
06-20-305New Ion Trap for Frequency Standard Applications; J. D. Prestage, G. L. Dick, and L. Maleki
06-20-313Time and Temperature Stability of Silver-Coated Ceramics for Hydrogen Maser Resonant Cavities; E. M. Mattison and R. F. C. Vessot
06-20-325Operating and Environmental Characteristics of Sigma Tau Hydrogen Masers Used in the Very Long Baseline Array; T. K. Tucker
06-20-337Atomic Hydrogen Masers with Self Auto-Tune System and Magnetic Field Cancellation Servo; H. E. Peters, H. B. Owings, and P. A. Koppang
06-20-345Operational Parameters for the Superconducting Cavity Maser; G. J. Dick, R. T. Wang, and D. M. Strayer
06-21-145GPS Synchronized Disciplined Rubidium Frequency Standard; D. E. Fossler
06-21-149A GPS Disciplined Rubidium Clock; W. Dewey
06-21-191A New Hydrogen Maser Time and Frequency Standard at Sheshan VLBI Station of Shanghai Observatory; Z. C. Zhai, H. X. Huang, C. F. Lin, G. X. Jiang, W. H. Luo, and J. F. Lu
06-21-223Atomic Velocity Distribution Out of Hydrogen Maser Dissociators; B. Jaduszliwer and Y. C. Chan
06-21-239On-Orbit Frequency Stability Analysis of GPS Navstar Cesium and Rubidium Clocks; T. B. McCaskill, J. A. Buisson, and T. J. Hogan
06-21-313New Hydrogen Masers at the National Research Council of Canada; D. Morris and J. Vanier
06-21-359The Cryogenic Hydrogen Maser Projected Performance and Recent Progress Toward Spaceborne Applications; R. L. Walsworth, I. F. Silvera, R. F. C. Vessot, E. Mattison, and M. L. Dingus
06-21-385Determining Optimum C-field Settings That Minimize Output Frequency Variations in Cesium Atomic Frequency Standards; S. K. Karuza, W. A. Johnson, J. P. Hurrell, and F. J. Voit
06-21-401Modeling Fast Modulation Effects in Cesium Atomic Clocks; P. Hurrell, W. A. Johnson, S. K Karuza, and F. J. Voit
06-21-409Environmental Tests of Cesium Beam Frequency Standards at the Frequency Standards Laboratory of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; R. L. Sydnor, T. K. Tucker, G. A. Greenhall, W. A. Diener, and L. Maleki
06-21-431Reliability Studies of Lamp Cells for Use in Rubidium Vapor Frequency Standards; T. McClelland
06-21-433Analysis of Fundamental and Systematic Effects Limiting Hydrogen Maser Frequency Stability; E. M. Mattison and R. F. C. Vessot
06-22-001The Past, Present and Future of Atomic Time; N. F. Ramsey
06-22-009The Classical Microwave Frequency Standards; G. Busca, P. Thomann, L.-G. Bernier, P. Willemin, and H. Schweda
06-22-019The Status of Cesium Beam Frequency Standards; L. S. Cutler
06-22-029State of the Art and Future Directions for the Atomic Hydrogen Maser; R. F. C. Vessot
06-22-053Trapped-Ion Frequency Standards; D. J. Wineland, J. C. Berquist, J. J. Bollinger, W. M. Itano, D. J. Heinzen, C. H. Manney, F. L. Moore, M. G. Raizen, and C. S. Weimer
06-22-171Ultra-stable Hg+ Trapped Ion Frequency Standard; J. D. Prestage, G. J. Dick, and L. Maleki
06-22-187Design and Industrial Production of Frequency Standards in the USSR; N. A. Demidov and A. A. Uljanov
06-22-209Long-Term Microwave Power Drift of a Cesium Frequency Standard and Its Effect on Output Frequency; W. A. Johnson, S. K. Karuza, and F. J. Voit
06-22-221Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standards for GPS Block IIR; W. J. Riley
06-22-269Zero-Crossing Detector with Sub-microsecond Jitter and Crosstalk; G. J. Dick, D. F. Kuhnle, and R. L. Sydnor
06-22-283Hydrogen Masers with Cavity Frequency Switching Servos; H. E. Peters, H. B. Owings, and P. A. Koppang
06-22-293Frequency Shifts in a Rubidium Frequency Standard Due to Coupling to Another Standard; B. Jaduszliwer, R. A. Cook, and R. P. Frueholz
06-22-301Effect of Thermal Cycling on Stress in Metallic Films on Ceramic Substrates; E. M. Mattison and R. F. C. Vessot
06-22-317GPS Block 2R Time Standard Assembly (TSA) Architecture; T. Baker
06-22-325Interim Results from the Characterization Testing of the Engineering Development (EDM) Rubidium Clocks for Satellite Applications; E. Powers and F. Danzy
06-22-331On the Length of the Drift Region in the Ramsey Cavity; P. Thomann
06-22-339Time and Frequency Measuring Metrological Equipment in the USSR; A. A. Uljanov
06-22-349Special Hydrogen Maser Workshop Held on Wednesday, December 5, 1990 Report; D. Morris
06-22-419Physical Origin of the Frequency Shifts in Cesium Beam Frequency Standards: Related Environmental Sensitivity; C. Audoin, N. Dimarcq, V. Giordano, and J. Viennet
06-22-441The Physics of the Environmental Sensitivity of Rubidium Gas Cell Atomic Frequency Standards; W. J. Riley
06-22-453Physics of Systematic Frequency Variations in Hydrogen Masers; E. M. Mattison
06-22-487Local Oscillator Induced Degradation of Medium-Term Stability in Passive Atomic Frequency Standards; G. J. Dick, J. D. Prestage, C. A. Greenhall, and L. Maleki
06-22-509Performance of Soviet and U. S. Hydrogen Masers; A. A. Uljanov, N. A. Demidov, E. M. Mattison, R. F. C. Vessot, D. W. Allan, and G. M. R. Winkler
06-22-599On the Line Q Degradation of Hydrogen Masers; L. G. Bernier, G. Busca, and H. Schweda
06-23-161A Hydrogen Maser with Cavity Auto-Tuner for Timekeeping; C. F. Lin, J. W. He, and Z. C. Zhai
06-23-169A Kind of Small Hydrogen Maser for Time-keeping; Z. C. Zhai, C. F. Lin, J. W. He, H. X. Huang, and J. F. Liu
06-23-229Measuring Frequency Changes Due to Microwave Power Variations As a Function of C-field Setting in a Rubidium Frequency Standard; E. B. Sarosy, W. A. Johnson, S. K. Karuza, and F. J. Voit
06-23-237Development of an Optically-Pumped Cesium Standard at the Aerospace Corporation; Y. C. Chan
06-23-277Compact Microwave Cavity for Hydrogen Atomic Clock; Z. Dejun, Z. Yan, F. Yigen, and Z. Yanjun
06-23-287A Correlational Analysis of the Effects of Changing Environmental Conditions on the NR Atomic Hydrogen Maser; R. A. Dragonette and J. J. Suter
06-23-307Frequency Stability of GPS Navstar Block I and Block II On-Orbit Clocks; T. B. McCaskill, W. G. Reid, J. A. Buisson, and H. E. Warren
06-23-385In Orbit Demonstration of a H-Maser Clock System; G. Busca, L. G. Bernier, S. Starker, and S. Feltham
06-24-159A Laser-Cooled Cesium Fountain Frequency Standard and a Measurement of the Frequency Shift Due to Ultra-cold Collisions; K. Gibble, S. Kasapi, and S. Chu
06-24-163Disciplined Rubidium Oscillator with GPS Selective Availability; W. P. Dewey
06-24-185Possible Applications of Atomic Frequency Standards with an Internal High Resolution Digital Synthesizer; E. Detoma and A. Stern
06-24-199CAFS - A Cesium Atomic Frequency Standard for GPS Block IIR; J. A. Wisnia
06-24-209Status of Local Oscillators for Operating Ultra-high Resolution Frequency Discriminators As Frequency Standards; R. F. C. Vessot, E. M. Mattison, M. W. Levine, and R. L. Walsworth
06-24-221Development of a Cryogenic Hydrogen Maser at the NPL; R. Mossavati
06-25-329Cesium and Rubidium Frequency Standards Status and Performance on the GPS Program; M. J. Van Melle
06-25-345Hydrogen Masers and Cesium Fountains At NRC; J. S. Boulanger, D. Morris, R. J. Douglas, and M.-C. Gagne
06-25-467Hydrogen Maser Clocks in Space for Solid-Earth Research and Time Transfer Applications: Experiment Overview and Evaluation of Russian Miniature Sapphire Loaded Cavity; G. Busca, L. G. Bernier, P. Silvestrin, S. Feltham, B. A. Gaygerov, and V. M. Tatarenkov
06-26-201Investigation into the Effects of VHF and UHF Band Radiation on Hewlett-Packard Cesium Beam Frequency Standards; A. Dickens
06-26-405SVN 9 End-of-Life Testing; 1Lt. G. E. Hattan
06-27-125Observations on the Reliability of Rubidium Frequency Standards on Block Il/IIA GPS Satellites; 1Lt. G. L. Dieter and Capt. G. E. Hatten
06-27-167Cesium and Rubidium Frequency Standards Status and Performance on the GPS Program; M. J. Van Melle
06-27-181High Precision Time Transfer to Test a Hydrogen Maser on Mir; E. M. Mattison and R. F. C. Vessot
06-27-209Tutorial: Clock and Clock Systems Performance Measures; D. W. Allan
06-27-235The Impact of the HP 5071A on International Atomic Time (Appendix A); D. W. Allan, A. Lepek, L. Cutler, Giffard, and J. Kusters
06-27-257Steering of Frequency Standards by the Use of Stochastic Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control Theory; P. Koppang and R. Leland
06-28-011Impact of Atomic Clocks on Navigation, Communication, and Science; G. Busca
06-28-025Impact of International Decisions on TAI Generation; C. Thomas
06-28-051Time and Frequency Keeping and Its Distribution System at CRL; M. Imae, M. Hosokawa, Y. Hanado, K. Imamura, A. Otsuka, and T. Morikawa
06-28-065Frequency Standards, Timekeeping, and Traceable Services at the National Research Council of Canada; R. J. Douglas, J.-S. Boulanger, S. Cundy, M.-C. Gagne, W. Cazemier, B. Hoger, R. Pelletier, J. Bernard, A. A. Madej, L. Marmet, K. Siemsen, and B. G. Whitford
06-28-075Time and Frequency Activities at NIST; J. Levine and D. B. Sullivan
06-28-083European PTTI Report; F. Cordara, A. De Marchi, M. Serafino, and S. Leschiutta
06-28-237PTB's Primary Clock CS1: First Results After Its Construction; A. Bauch, H. Brand, T. Heindorff, B. Fischer, and R. Schroeder
06-28-245The JPL Hg+ Extended Linear Ion Trap Frequency Standard: Status, Stability, and Accuracy Prospects; R. L. Tjoelker, J. D. Prestage, and L. Maleki
06-28-255NIST-7, The U.S. Primary Frequency Standard: New Evaluation Techniques; R. E. Drullinger, J. H. Shirley, and W. D. Lee
06-28-265A Derivation of the Dick Effect from Control-Loop Models for Periodically Interrogated Passive Frequency Standards; C. A. Greenhall
06-28-273Temperature Control for Hydrogen Maser Frequency Standards; Y. Fu, Z. Xhou, and X. Liu
06-28-281First Commercial Prototype of an Optically Pumped Cesium-Beam Frequency; M. L. Baldy
06-28-289Ultrasensitive High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy and Its Application to Optical Frequency Standards; J. Ye, L.-S. Ma, and J. L. Hall
06-28-429The End of an Era: SVN 10 End-of-Life Frequency Standard Testing; 1Lt. G. L. Dieter and M. J. Van Melle
06-28-455GLONASS Onboard Time/Frequency Standards: Ten Years of Operation; A. B. Bassevich, P. P. Bogdanov, A. G. Gevorkyan, and A. E. Tyulyakov
06-28-463Design of a Hydrogen Maser for Space; E. M. Mattison and R. F. C. Vessot
06-28-477PHARAO: A Space Clock with Cold Cesium Atoms; P. Laurent, E. Simon, G. Santarelli, A. Clairon, Ch. Salmon, P. Lemonde, N. Dimarcq, C. Audoin, F. Gonzalez, and F. J. Changeart
06-29-049Maintenance of HP 5071A Primary Frequency Standards at USNO; H. Chadsey and A. Kubik
06-29-061The SHM Hydrogen Atomic Clock for Space Applications: Development and Test of the PEM Physics Package; L. G. Bernier, A. Jornod, H. Schweda, R. Gentsch, and G. Busca
06-29-085The CCTF Working Group on the Expression of Uncertainties in Primary Frequency Standards; R. J. Douglas and C. Thomas
06-29-181SVN 20 End-Of-Life Frequency Standard Test Results; Lt. R. E. Bower, G. L. Dieter, and M. J. Van Melle
06-29-201Atomic Frequency Standards for the GPS IIF Satellites; W. Emmer and E. Watts
06-29-213Early In-Orbit Performance of GPS Block IIR Rubidium Clocks; W. J. Riley
06-29-329A Study Examining the Possibility of Obtaining Traceability to UK National Standards of Time and Frequency Using GPS-Disciplined Oscillators; J. A. Davis and J. M. Furlong
06-30-135Performance of GPS On-Orbit NAVSTAR Frequency Standards and Monitor Station Time References; O. Oaks, T. McCaskill, M. Largay, W. Reid, and J. Buisson
06-30-145GPS Block IIR Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard Life Test; R. Beard, J. White, J. Brad, S. Stebbins, J. Smathers, T. Myers, F. Danzy, A. Frank, W. Reid, and J. Buisson
06-30-161Short-Term Characterizations of GPS-Disciplined Oscillators and Field for Frequency of Italian Calibration Centers; V. Pettiti and F. Cordara
06-30-173Analysis of On-Orbit Behavior of GPS Block II-R Time Keeping System; T. Dass, J. Petzinger, J. Rajan, and H. Rawicz
06-30-187Real-Time GPS Monitoring of Atomic Frequency Standards in the Canadian Active Control System (CACS); F. Lahaye, M. Caissy, J. Popelar, and R. Douglas
06-30-219IEM Kvarz and Quartzlock's GPS-Disciplined Rubidium Frequency and Time Standard; C. Green
06-31-065Long-Term Stability of a Rubidium Atomic Clock in Geosynchronous Orbit; J. Coffer and J. Camparo
06-31-075Performance of Global Positioning System Block II/IIA/IIR On-Orbit NAVSTAR Clocks; T. McCaskill, O. Oaks, M. Largay, W. Reid, H. Warren, and J. Buisson
06-31-101Redundant Atomic Frequency Standard Timekeeping System with Seamless AFS Switchover; V. Reinhardt and C. Sheckells
06-31-211Time and Frequency Activities at the CSIRO National Measurement Laboratory, Sydney, Australia; P. Fisk, R. Warrington, M. Lawn, and M. Wouters
06-31-219Time and Frequency Activities at IEN; F. Cordara, G. Brida, A. Godone, F. Levi, L. Lorini, M. Mascarello, S. Micalizio, V. Pettiti, P. Tavella, and G. Vizio
06-31-231Update on Time and Frequency Activities at NIST; T. Parker and D. Sullivan
06-31-241Overview of Research Activities on Time and Frequency at the Communications Research Laboratory; M. Hosokawa, M. Imae, T. Morikawa, N. Kurihara, and K. Okamoto
06-31-247Time and Frequency Activities at the National Physical Laboratory; J. Davis
06-31-257Recent and Pending Improvements at the U.S. Naval Observatory; D. Matsakis
06-31-297Use of Primary Frequency Standards for Estimating the Duration of the Scale Unit of TAI; G. Petit
06-31-449Comparison of Atomic Frequency Standards at NIST and PTB Using Carrier-Phase GPS; L. Nelson, J. Levine, T. Parker, K. Larson, P. Hetzel, and J. Becker
06-31-579Progress in the Development of IEM KVARZ Passive Hydrogen Masers; N. Demidov, A. Pastukhov, and A. Uljanov
06-31-589Vertical Cavity Lasers for Atomic Time Standards; H. Zappe
06-31-597Improved Timekeeping Using Advanced Trapped-Ion Clocks; R. Tjoelker, J. Prestage, and L. Maleki
06-31-605On the Use of Lambda Transitions in Atomic Frequency Standards; F. Levi, A. Godone, S. Micalizio, and J. Vanier
06-31-615A Cost-Effective Time and Frequency Reference; V. Candelier, G. Marotel, D. Thorax, and C. Trialoup
06-31-627Rubidium Atomic Clock for Galileo; A. Jeanmaire, P. Rochat, and F. Emma
06-31-649An Automated Alarm Program for HP5071A Frequency Standards; H. Chadsey
06-31-657Airborne Comparison of an Ultra-Stable Quartz Oscillator With a H-Maser As Another Possible Validation of General Relativity; A. Grishaev
06-32-269Performance and Characterization of U.S. Naval Observatory Clocks; L. Breakiron and D. Matsakis
06-32-311Theoretical and Experimental Study of Light Shift in a CPT-Based RB Vapor Cell Frequency Standard; M. Zhu and L. Cutler
06-32-325Preliminary Results from the USNO Atomic Fountain Development Project; T. Swanson, E. Burt, and C. Ekstrom
06-32-331Stabilized Reference Frequency Distribution for Radio Science with the Cassini Spacecraft and the Deep Space Network; M. Calhoun, R. Wang, A. Kirk, W. Diener, G. Dick, and R. Tjoelker
06-32-355Development of a Primary Reference Clock; C. Green
06-32-389Development and Evaluation of GPS Space Clocks for GPS III and Beyond; A. Wu and W. Feess
06-32-445Primary Reference Clocks Using Indoor Antennas; D. Mitchell
06-32-455Time and Frequency Activities at the CSIR National Metrology Laboratory; E. Marais
06-32-463Detection of the Gravitational Redshift of the Cesium Frequency Standard at CRL; M. Hosokawa, N. Kotake, K. Imamura, and N. Kurihara
06-33-007Space Clocks - Why They're Different; J. White and R. Beard
06-33-019Optically Pumped Cesium-beam Frequency Standard for GPS III; R. Lutwak, D. Emmons, R. Garvey, and P. Vlitas
06-33-033A Compact, Continuous Beam Cold Atom Clock for Satellite Applications; W. Buell and H. Wang
06-33-045Mercury Trapped-ion Frequency Standard for the Global Positioning System; R. Tjoelker, E. Burt, S. Chung, R. Glaser, R. Hamell, L. Lim, L. Maleki, J. Prestage, N. Raouf, T. Radey, C. Sepulveda, G. Sprague, B.Tucker, and B. Young
06-33-293Report on the Time and Frequency Activities of the Time Service Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory; D. Matsakis
06-33-309Primary Frequency Standards at NIST; R. Drullinger
06-33-321Update on Time and Frequncy Activities at PTB; P. Hetzel and A. Bauch
06-33-469Performance of Global Positioning System Block II/IIA/IIR On-Orbit Navstar Clocks; J. Oaks, T. McCaskill, M. Largay, and J. Buisson
06-33-525Influence of Laser Noise on the Optically Pumped, Atomic- beam Clock; J. Camparo
06-33-535A New Synchronized Miniature Rubidium Oscillator With an Auto-adaptive Disciplining Filter; P. Rochat and B. Leuenberger
06-34-003PTTI Distinguished Service Award to Mr. Harry E. Peters; P. Koppang
06-34-077Global Positioning System Constellation Clock Performance; J. Oaks, M. Largay, W. Reid, and J. Buisson
06-34-089Enhancements to the GPS Block IIR Timekeeping System; J. Petzinger, R. Reith, and T. Dass
06-34-117End-of-life Indicators for NIMA's High-performance Cesium Frequency Standards; C. Brock, B. Tolman, and R. Taylor
06-34-127The Experimental Precise Timing Station (E-PTS) for the Galileo System Test Bed (Phase V1): Architectural Design and Experimental Goals; E. Detoma, S. Facioni, M. Gotta, G. Graglia, F. Cordara, L. Lorini, V. Pettiti, P. Tavella, and J. Hahn
06-34-139CPT Maser Clock Evaluation for Galileo; F. Levi, A. Godone, S. Micalizio, C. Calosso, E. Detoma, P. Morsaniga, and R. Zanello
06-34-151The Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS: Development and Usage in the 21st Century; G. Polischuk, V. Kozlov, V. Ilitchov, A. Kozlov, V. Bartenev, V. Kossenko, N. Anphimov, S. Revnivykh, S. Pisarev, A. Tyulyakov, B. Shebshaevitch, A. Basevitch, and Y. Vorokhovsky
06-34-161The Development of a Passive Hydrogen Maser Clock for the Galileo Navigation System; L. Mattioni, M. Belloni, P. Berthoud, I. Pavlenko, H. Schweda, Q. Wang, P. Rochat, F. Droz, P. Mosset, and H. Ruedin
06-34-175GPS Clocks in Space: Current Performance and Plans for the Future; T. Dass, G. Freed, J. Petzinger, J. Rajan, T.Lynch, and J. Vaccaro
06-34-215Panel Discussion: The Future of clock Technology for Space; J. White, R. Beard, M. Bloch, J. Bolger, M. Garvey, P. Rochat, and S. Leschiutta
06-34-333Design Concept for the Microwave Interrogation Structure in PARCS; G. Dick, W. Klipstein, T. Heavner, and S. Jefferts
06-34-341The Crystal Oscillator Characterization Facility at the Aerospace Corporation; S. Karuza, M. Rolenz, A. Moulthrop, A. Young, and V. Hunt
06-34-425Time and Frequency Activities at the National Physical Laboratory; J. Davis, P. Whibberley, R. Hlavac, P. Stacey, D. Henderson, K. Szymaniec, W. Chalupczak, and J. Laverty
06-34-437Time and Frequency Activities at the U.S. Naval Observatory; D. Matsakis
06-34-457Recent Time and Frequency Activities at PTB; D. Piester, P. Hetzel, and A. Bauch
06-34-539The Chip-scale Atomic Clock -- Coherent Population Trapping vs. Conventional Interrogation; R. Lutwak, D. Emmons, W. Riley, and R. Garvey
06-35-005Presentation of the Distinguished PTTI Service Award to S. Clark Wardrip; J. White
06-35-023Time and Frequency Activities at the U.S. Naval Observatory; D. Matsakis
06-35-039The National Time and Frequency Service of the Russian Federation; V. Krutikov, V. Kostromin, and N. Koshelyaevsky
06-35-059An Update on PTB's Activities in Time and Frequency; D. Piester, A. Bauch, J. Becker, and T. Polewka
06-35-117GPS IIR Rubidium Clocks: In-Orbit Performance Aspects; M. Epstein, G. Freed, and J. Rajan
06-35-173Global Positioning System Constellation Clock Performance; J. Oaks, K. Senior, M. Largay, W. Reid, H. Warren, and J. Buisson
06-35-307New Realization of Terrestrial Time; G. Petit
06-35-333Advanced Clocks for PTTI; J. White
06-35-333The State of the Art in Amateur Timekeeping; T. Van Baak
06-35-427One-liter Ion Clock: New Capability for Spaceflight Applications; J. Prestage, S. Chung, T. Le, M. Beach, L. Maleki, and R. Tjoelker
06-35-435Investigations of Vapor-Cell Clock Equilibration Following Initial Activation: A Progress Report; S. Herbulock, C. Klimcak, A. Presser, J. Milne, and J. Camparo
06-35-445End Resonances for Atomic Clocks; A. Post, Y. Jau, N. Kuzma, A. Braun, S. Lipp, J. Abeles, M. Romalis, E. Miron, and W. Happer
06-35-457Using Laser Diode Instabilities for Chip-Scale Stable Frequency References; T. Simpson, F. Doft, and W. Golding
06-35-467The Chip-Scale Atomic Clock - Recent Development Progress; R. Lutwak, D. Emmons, T. English, W. Riley, A. Duwel, M. Varghese, D. Serkland, and G. Peake
06-35-479Opto-electronic Oscillator Stabilized by a Hyperfine Atomic Transition; D. Strekalov, D. Aveline, A. Matsko, R. Thompson, N. Yu, and L. Maleki
06-35-489Development of New Rb Clocks in Observatoire de Neuchatel; C. Affolderbach and G. Mileti
06-36-173Ultra-Low-Noise Cavity-Stabilized Microwave Reference Oscillator Using an Air-Dielectric Resonator; C. Nelson, D. Howe, and A. Sen Gupta
06-36-179Time and Frequency Activities at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt; D. Piester, A. Bauch, J. Becker, and T. Polewka
06-36-195Overview of Research Activities on Time and Frequency at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology; M. Hosokawa, Y. Takahashi, S. Hama, H. Toriyama, and T. Morikawa
06-36-339The Chip-Scale Atomic Clock - Low-Power Physics Package; R. Lutwak, J. Deng, W. Riley, M. Varghese, J. Leblanc, G. Tepolt, M. Mescher, D. Serkland, K. Geib, and G. Peake
06-36-355Components for Batch-Fabricated Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks; M. Kwakernaak, S. Lipp, S. McBride, P. Zanzucchi, W. Chan, V. Khalfin, H. An, R. Whaley, B. Willner, A. Ulmer, J. Li, T. Davis, A. Braun, J. Abeles, A. Post, Y. Jau, N. Kuzma, and W. Happer
06-36-383Microfabricated Atomic Clocks at NIST; S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Gerginov, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland
06-36-393Frequency Equilibration and the Light-Shift Effect for Block IIR Rubidium Clocks; J. Camparo
06-36-411The Long-Term Stability of the U.S. Naval Observatory's Masers; D. Matsakis, P. Koppang, and R. Garvey
06-36-423Development of a Spaceborne Hydrogen Maser Atomic Clock for Quasi-Zenith Satellites; H. Ito, T. Morikawa, H. Ishida, S. Hama, K. Kimura, S. Yokota, S. Mattori, Y. Numata, M. Kitayama, and K. Takahei
06-36-431Comparative Analysis of GPS Clock Performance Using Both Code-Phase and Carrier-Derived Pseudorange Observations; J. Oaks, M. Largay, W. Reid, and J. Buisson
06-37-012NRL Analysis of GPS On-Orbit Clocks; J. Oaks, K. Senior, M. Largay, R. Beard, and J. Buisson
06-37-019GPS Block IIR Clocks in Space: Current Performance and Plans for the Future; J. Phelan, T. Dass, G. Freed, J. Rajan, J. D'Agostino, and M. Epstein
06-37-026The Onboard Galileo Rubidium and Passive Maser, Status, and Performance; R. Rochat, F. Droz, P. Mosset, G. Barmaverain, Q. Wang, D. Boving, L. Mattoni, M. Belloni, M. Gioia, U. Schmidt, T. Pike, and F. Emma
06-37-093Comparison with an Uncertainty of 2x10-16 between Two Primary Frequency Standards; C. Mandache, C. Vian, P. Rosenbusch, H. Marion, P. Laurent, G. Santarelli, S. Bize, A. Clairon, A. Luiten, and M. Tobar
06-37-099Distributed Cavity Phase and the Associated Power Dependence; R. Li and K. Gibble
06-37-105On the Power Dependence of Extraneous Microwave Fields in Atomic Standards; S. Jefferts, J. Shirley, N. Ashby, T. Heavner, E. Donley, and F. Levi
06-37-111Limitations to the Short Term Frequency Stability in a Compact Cold Atom Clock; S. Tremine, S. Guerandel, D. Holleville, J. Delporte, N. Dimarcq, and A. Clairon
06-37-117Testing Lorentz Invariance Using Zeeman Transitions in Atomic Fountains; P. Wolf, F. Clapelet, S. Bize, and A. Clairon
06-37-217Time and Frequency Activities at the U.S. Naval Observatory; D. Matsakis
06-37-225Update of Research Activities on Time and Frequency at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT); S. Hama, M. Hosokawa; Y. Takahashi, H. Toriyama, and T. Morikawa
06-37-231Time and Frequency Activities at the National Measurement Institute, Australia; R. Warrington, P. Fisk, M. Wouters, M. Lawn, J. Thorn, S. Quigg, A. Gajaweera, and S. Park
06-37-261Long Term Study of the H-Maser Clocks at the Royal Observatory of Belgium; F. Roosbeek and P. Defraigne
06-37-266Progress in Building NRC's Cesium Fountain Clock; L. Marmet, P. Dube, and C. Gigault
06-37-270Laser-Cooled Continuous Cs-Beam Master Oscillator; H. Wang, W. Buell, and G. Iyanu
06-37-276The New PTB Caesium Fountain Clock CSF2; R. Wynands, A. Bauch, D. Griebsch, R. Schroeder, and S. Weyers
06-37-279Light Shift Measurements in a Cesium Fountain Without the Use of Mechanical Shutters; D. Enzer, W. Klipstein, and R. Tjoelker
06-37-285Measurements of Cesium Polarizability in Atomic Clock via Light Frequency Shift; J. Chen
06-37-288Demonstration and Observation of a Frequency Standard Based on an Expanding Cold Atoms Cloud of Cesium; S. Miller, D. Magalhaes, A. Bebeachibuli, M. Santos, and V. Bagnato
06-37-292Laser Cooling and Launching Performance in a (1,1,1)-Geometry Atomic Fountain; E. Donley, T. Heavner, J. O'Brien, S. Jefferts, and F. Levi
06-37-297Nonmagnetic UHV Optical Viewports; S. Crane and C. Ekstrom
06-37-301Miniaturized Atomic Fountain Optical Table; S. Crane, S. Peil, and C. Ekstrom
06-37-304Design and Preliminary Characterization of the USNO Rubidium Fountain; S. Peil, S. Crane, T. Swanson, and C. Ekstrom
06-37-308A New Microwave Synthesis Chain for the Primary Frequency Standard NIST-F1; T. Heavner, S. Jefferts, E. Donley, T. Parker, and F. Levi
06-37-404Clock Management Data Analysis for Satellite Communications; R. Gross and R. Melkers
06-37-463Dynamic Frequency Response of the Auto-Tuned Hydrogen Maser to Systematic Perturbations; H. Peters
06-37-466Characterization and Reduction of Number Dependent Sensitivity in Multi-Pole Linear Ion Trap Standards; E. Burt and R. Tjoelker
06-37-472Liter Sized Ion Clock with 10-15 Stability; J. Prestage, S. Chung, T. Le, L. Lim, and L. Maleki
06-37-477Ion-Acoustic Plasma Waves in rf-Discharge Lamps: Light-Shift Stabilization for Atomic Clocks; J. Camparo and C. Klimcak
06-37-488Impedance Control for Critically Coupled Cavities; B. Riddle and C. Nelson
06-37-594A Rubidium Frequency Standard Based on Unreal Time Control Approach; H. Zhou, W. Zhou, B. Qu, and Z. Xuan
06-37-598Theoretical Studying About the Measurement of the C-Field Intensity in the Optical Pumped Cesium Frequency Standard; J. Zhang, F. Wang, and D. Yang
06-37-602Characterizing Absorption Spectrum of Natural Rubidium by Using a Directly Modulated VCSEL; I. Ben-Aroya and G. Eisenstein
06-37-608Optical Lattice Laser; J. Chen and X. Chen
06-37-611Development of a 171Yb+ Microwave Frequency Standard at the National Measurement Institute, Australia; R. Warrington, P. Fisk, M. Wouters, M. Lawn, J. Longdell, and S. Park
06-37-616Single Ca+ Ion Trapping Toward Precise Frequency Measurement of the 4 2S1/2-3 2D5/2 Transition; K. Matsubara, Y. Li, M. Kajita, K. Hayasaka, M. Hosokawa, and S. Urabe
06-37-639Robust Control of Frequency Standards in the Presence of Systematic Disturbances; J. Skinner, P. Koppang, and D. Johns
06-37-677Characterizing the Performance of GPS Disciplined Oscillators with Respect to UTC(NIST); M. Lombardi, A. Novick, and V. Zhang
06-37-752The MAC - A Miniature Atomic Clock; R. Lutwak, P. Vlitas, M. Varghes, M. Mescher, D. Serkland, and G. Peake
06-37-758Component-Level Demonstration of a Microfabricated Atomic Frequency Reference; V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Liew, J. Moreland, H. Robinson, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, A. Brannon, J. Breitbarth, and Z. Popvic
06-37-767A Novel Absorption Resonance for Atomic Clocks; D. Phillips, I. Novikova, S. Zibrov, C. Smallwood, A. Taichenachev, V. Yudin, R. Walsworth, and A. Zibrov
06-37-774Recent Results on a Pulsed CPT Clock; T. Zanon, S. Tremine, S. Guerandel, F. Dahes, E. de Clercq, A. Clairon, and N. Dimarcq
06-37-840NGA GPS Monitor Station High-Performance Cesium Frequency Standard Stability: From NGA Kalman Filter Clock Estimates; D Manning
06-37-919A High Performance Frequency Standard and Distribution System for Cassini Ka-Band Experiment; R. Wang, M. Calhoun, A. Kirk, W. Diener, G. Dick, and R. Tjoelker
06-37-940A Solid-State Atomic Frequency Standard; C. White and A. Hajimiri
06-37-947Minimizing the Required Trap Depth in Optical Lattice Clocks; P. Lemonde and P. Wolf
06-38-017Update of Research Activities in Time and Frequency at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT); K. Matsubara, S. Hama, K. Imamura, Y. Koyama, H. Toriyama, and M. Hosokawa, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
06-38-069Historical Review of Atomic Frequency Standards Used in Space Systems: 10 Year Update; L. Mallette, The Boeing Company; P. Rochat, Temex Time, Switzerland; and J. White, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
06-38-081Verification and Optimization of the Physics Parameters of the Onboard Galileo Passive Hydrogen Maser; Q. Wang, P. Mosset, F. Droz, P. Rochat, Temex Time, Switzerland; and G. Busca, Kytime, Switzerland
06-38-095Miniaturized Mercury Ion Clock for Ultra-stable Deep Space Applications; J. Prestage, S. Chung, L. Lim, and T. Le, California Institute of Technology
06-38-105A Multi-Channel Stability Analyzer for Frequency Standards in the Deep Space Network; C. Greenhall, A. Kirk, and R. Tjoelker, California Institute of Technology
06-38-123Quadrapole Transition Spectrum Measurement of Single Ca+ Ions Toward Optical Frequency Standards; K. Matsubara, Y. Li, K. Fukuda, H. Ito, S. Nagano, M. Kajita, K. Hayasaka, S. Urabe, and M. Hosokawa, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
06-38-137AF/NGA GPS Monitor Station High-Performance Cesium Frequency Standard Stability 2005/2006: From NGA Kalman Filter Clock Estimates; D. Manning, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
06-38-241Long-Term Stability of NIST Chip-Scale Atomic Clock Physics Packages; S. Knappe, National Institute of Standards and Technology; V. Shah, University of Colorado; V. Gerginov, University of Notre Dame; A. Brannon, University of Colorado; L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching, National Institute of Standards and Technology
06-38-259A CPT-Based 87Rb Atomic Clock Employing a Small Spherical Glass Vapor Cell; I. Ben-Aroya, M. Kahanov, and G. Eisenstein, Technion, Israel
06-38-271Sub-10-16 Frequency Stability in the JPL Multi-Pole Linear Ion Trap Standard; E. Burt, D. Enzer, R. Wang, W. Diener, and R. Tjoelker, California Institute of Technology
06-39-045Atomic and Quartz Clock Hardware for Communication and Navigation Satellites; L. Mallette
06-39-059Long-Term Clock Behavior of GPS IIR Satellites; M. Epstein, T. Dass, J. Rajan, and P. Gilmour
06-39-095GIOVE-A Apparent Clock Assessment and Results; J. Hahn, F. Gonzalez, P. Waller, D. Navarro-Reyes, R. Piriz, A. Mozo, V. Fernandez, M. Cueto, P. Tavella, and I. Sesia
06-39-119A Summary of the GPS Constellation Clock Performance; J. Oaks, J. Buisson, and M. Largay
06-39-223Towards Demonstration of a MOT-Based Continuous Cold Cs-Beam Atomic Clock; H. Wang, J. Camparo, and G. Iyanu
06-39-233RF-Interrogated End-State Chip-Scale Atomic Clock; A. Braun, T. Davis, M. Kwakernaak, J. Michalchuk, A. Ulmer, W. Chan, L. Abeles, Z. Shellenbarger, Y. Jau, F. Gong, W. Happer, T. McClelland, H. Fruehauf, R. Drap, W. Weidemmann, and M. Variakojis
06-39-249Compact Microwave Mercury Ion Clock for Space Applications; J. Prestage, M. Tu, S. Chung, and P. MacNeal
06-39-257Single Ca+ Ion Trapping and Quadrupole Transition Measurement towards an Optical Frequency Standard; K. Matsubara, Y. Li, H. Ito, S. Nagano, K. Hayasaka, and M. Hosokawa
06-39-269The Chip-Scale Atomic Clock - Prototype Evaluation; R. Lutwak, A. Rashed, M. Varghese, G. Tepolt, J. LeBlanc, M. Mescher, D. Serkland, K. Geib, G. Peake, and S. Roemisch
06-39-291A Simplified Laser and Optics System for Laser-Cooled Rb Fountain Frequency Standards; P. Kunz, T. Heavner, and S. Jefferts
06-39-297Development of a Conventional Laser-Pumped Rb Atomic Clocl: Status Report; C. Back and J. Camparo
06-39-303Effects of Polarization Fluctuations in CPT-Based Atomic Clocks; M. Huang, J. Coffer, and J. Camparo
06-39-309Prospects for Ultra-stable Timekeeping with Sealed Vacuum Operation in Multi-pole Linear Ion Trap Standards; E. Burt and R. Tjoelker
06-39-317Influence of the Atmosphere on a Rubidium Clocks Frequency Aging; J. Camparo and C. Klimcak
06-40-017The Master Clock Building at USNO Infrastucture; W. Walls
06-40-051History and Performance of FEI Space-Class Oscillators; M. Bloch, O. Mancini, and T. McClelland
06-40-029Ultrastable Oscillators for Space Application; P. Cash, D. Emmons, and J. Welgemoed
06-40-057Enhancing the Art of Space Operations -- Progress in JHU/APL Ultra-Stable Oscillator Capabilities; G. Weaver, M. Reinhart, and R. Wallis
06-40-069In-Orbit Performance Assessment of GIOVE Clocks; P. Waller, F. Gonzalez, J. Hahn, S. Binda, R. Piriz, I. Hidalgo, G. Tobias, Sesia, P. Tavella, and G. Cerretto
06-40-147Towards an Integrated Optic Phase-Locked Oscillator; M. Watts, J. Kim, F. Kaertner, A. Lentine, and W. Zortman
06-40-157Progress on a Portable Rubidium Fountain FrequencyStandard; P. Kunz, T. Heavner, and S. Jefferts
06-40-335AF/NGA GPS Monitor Station High-Performance Cesium Frequency Standard Stability 2007/2008: From NGA Kalman Filter Clock Estimates; D. Manning and C. Petersen
06-40-361Estimation and Prediction of the GIOVE Clocks; I. Hidalgo, R. Piriz, A. Mozo, G. Tobias,, P. Tavella, I. Sesia, G. Cerretto, P. Waller, F. Gonzalez, and J. Hahn
06-40-527Locking a Rubidium Oscillator to a Remote Time Scale Using Real-Time Common-View GPS Measurement; M. Lombardi and A. Dahlen
06-41-473Investigations into the Rb Clock's 2nd Harmonic Signal: A Status Report; G. Fathi and J. Camparo
06-41-493Space Passive Hydrogen Maser--Performances, Lifetime Data, and GIOVE-B-related Telemetries; M. Belloni, M. Gioia, S. Beretta, F. Droz, P. Mosset, Q. Wang, P. Rochat, A. Resti, P. Waller, and A. Ostillio
06-41-509Micro Ion Frequency Standard; P. Schwindt, R. Olsson, K. Wojciechowski, D. Serkland, T. Statom, H. Partner, G. Biedermann, L. Fang, A. Casias, and R. Manginell
06-41-519A Space Rubidium Pulsed Optical Pumped Clock--Current Status, Results, and Future Activities; M. Belloni, A. Battisti, A. Cosentino, A. Sapia, A. Borella, S. Micalizio, A. Godone, F. Levi, C. Calosso, L. Zuliani, F. Longo, and M. Donati
06-41-531Progress on a Portable Rubidium Fountain Frequency Standard; P. Kunz, T. Heavner, and S. Jefferts
06-42-30510 to the Minus 10th-Level Simple Single-Oven OCXO; M. Ito, H. Mitome, and T. Oita
06-42-315A Portable Rubidium Fountain; P. Kunz, T. Heavner, and S. Jefferts
06-42-321Cesium Atomic Fountain Clocks at NMI; A. Takamizawa, S. Yanagimachi, Y. Shirakawa, K. Watabe, K. Hagimoto, and T. Ikegami
06-42-329Studies on an Improved Compact Physics Package for Rubidium Standards; T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, C. Calosso, and G. Mileti

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